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Construction Re-Start Plan, and what it means for you!


From Tuesday 5 October

All Construction Sites

  • All workers must have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

  • Fully vaccinated means having both vaccinations.

  • State Critical infrastructure Projects can return to 100 per cent of their workforce if crib rooms have best-practice approaches including ventilation and density limits.

  • Crib rooms may be used, provided they meet the best practise gui


  • Crib room best practice standard includes following the ‘COVID-19 Best practice approaches for safe worker amenities on construction sites’ including density quotient 1 per person per 4sqm; and additional ventilation so that entire air volume of the room replaced or filtered every 10 to 12 minutes.

  • Workers moving between metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria must be fully vaccinated, unless they are working on large scale sites or state-critical infrastructure.

  • Operators must have worker shift bubbles where practical.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the key measures to ensure a COVIDSafe site?

  1. Workers must declare that they do not have symptoms before starting each shift.

  2. Workers should have access to COVIDSafe break areas, with as much natural ventilation and fresh air as possible. Where possible, breaks should be taken outside.

  3. Workers should, where possible, maintain physical distancing by keeping at least 1.5 metres apart and spacing one worker per four square metres.

  4. All workers must wear face masks except when eating or drinking, unless a lawful reason not to wear one applies.

  5. Frequently touched surfaces should be cleaned with detergent and disinfectant at least twice a day.

  6. Hand hygiene must be encouraged with adequate supplies of sanitiser and soap.

  7. Record keeping must be maintained to help contract tracing and should be considered for break areas.

  8. Stagger start, finish and break times and maintain worker bubbles to limit interaction and reduce congestion.

  9. You must maintain workforce caps.

  10. Employer must designate an employee(s) as a COVID Marshal to monitor compliance with the onsite requirements.


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